Why Bully Dogs? Some people might find the title of my latest book a little funny. That’s because it is! “Bully Dogs” is another name for types of pit bulls and bull dogs. These dogs weren’t actually named after the human bullies we think of—though their tough appearances and secretly soft personalities often match real bullies!
According to Bulldoginformation.com, bull dogs got their names because they used to “guard, control and bait bulls.” Not exactly an easy job!
In my middle-grade novel Bully Dogs, there are two types of bullies: girls like Marcy who hurt Fran with words, and the real dogs— Aramis, Porthos, and Athos—who chase Fran to school. When Fran talks to her mother about Marcy, the bully from school, her mother tells her, “You’ll have to face her, or someone like her, the rest of your life. You can’t just wish your problems away…because they come back at you like rabid dogs.”
Fran wants to avoid the bullies in her life—the human and the furry ones! But she begins to get tired of her problems chasing her around. The only way to face a bully is to stop running! And, well, you'll have to finish the novel to find out what Fran does!