Thursday, February 28, 2013

Helping Your Child Through a Divorce

In my latest Bully Dog book, A Penny in Time, the main character Dusty struggles to process her parents recent divorce and how to deal with her father's new girlfriend. Divorce is a stressful event for all involved but especially for children (even teens) who do not yet understand the complexities of adult relationships.

Parents in the midst of a divorce can help their children through the process. Here's an interesting article I found at with helpful suggestions on breaking the news, dealing with your child's reactions, and maintaining consistency. Read the entire article on the website>> Helping Your Child Through a Divorce 

Thousands of kids experience the stress of divorce each year. How they'll react depends on their age, personality, and the particular circumstances of the separation and divorce process.

Every divorce will have an effect on the kids involved — and many times the initial reaction is one of shock, sadness, frustration, anger, or worry. But kids can also come out of it better able to cope with stress, and many become more flexible, tolerant young adults.

The most important things that both parents can do to help kids through this difficult time are:

  • Keep visible conflict, heated discussions, and legal talk away from the kids.
  • Minimize the disruptions to kids' daily routines.
  • Confine negativity and blame about each other to private therapy sessions or conversations with friends outside the home.
  • Keep each parent involved in the kids' lives.

Most adults going through separation and divorce need support — from friends, professionals, clergy, and family. Don't seek support from your kids, even if they seem to want you to.

Read the entire article on the website>>

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

STOMP Out Bullying

Congratulations, STOMP Out Bullying for being selected as one of Fox Sports Media Group's highlighted charities for 2013! Fox is airing PSAs and mentioning the organization during events to spread awareness and raise funds for this amazing organization.

STOMP Out Bullying(TM) is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 that is dedicated to raising awareness, educating students, and providing resources around bullying and cyberbullying.

Its many celebrity ambassadors help spread the word and its website is definitely worth a visit. You can share your bullying experience, watch celebrity videos and PSAs, get help via chat with trained volunteers, read and view the stories of others who've been bullied, and much more. STOMP Out Bullying(TM) also sponsors the BLUE SHIRT DAY(TM) World Day of Bullying Prevention each year.

Connect with others committed to the cause on Facebook ( and Twitter (

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Schooled: A Humorous Tale of Middle School Bullying

A book I highly recommend for upper elementary and middle school students on the subject of bullying is the funny and engaging book Schooled by Gordon Korman. The characters are easy to relate to and wonderfully quirky.

Excerpt from the back of the book:
"Capricorn (Cap) Anderson has never watched television. He's never tasted a pizza. Never heard of a wedgie. Since he was little, his only experience has been living on a farm commune and being homeschooled by his hippie grandmother, Rain...

...Right from the beginning, Cap's weirdness makes him a moving target at Claverage Middle School (dubbed C Average by the students). He has long, ungroomed hair; wears hemp clothes; and practices tai chi out on the lawn. Once Zach Powers, big man on campus, spots Cap, he can't wait to introduce him to the age-old tradition at C Average: the biggest nerd gets nominated to run for class president...and wins.

Will Cap turn out to be the greatest president in the history of C Average? Or the biggest punch line?"

For an in-depth review of Schooled visit's Children's Books section. You can also find out more about the author on his website.