Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey U.G.L.Y.'s I AM ENOUGH Contest

Calling all students! Are you a writer, videographer, poet or songwriter? Want to help us spread the word about bullying? The bullying prevention organization Hey U.G.L.Y. (Unique Gifted Lovable You) is hosting its annual contest for work produced by students like you. The deadline is May 31, 2013.

 From the organizations's website: "So many of your fellow students, and the adults you know, feel like they are 'not good enough.' When a person feels this way it makes them prey for the bully and sometimes actually turns them into the bully. Not feeling good enough sets a person up to fail in school, relationships and life. You can help and at the same time vie for valuable prizes. Through video, song, poetry and essay, your wisdom can help youth across the globe understand and embrace that they ARE good enough." Get more information about the I AM ENOUGH contest here>>

 Curious about past contest winners? Here's an excerpt from Alicia MacDonald's winning essay: "Since there will always be people in the world who are better than I am, and people who are not as good as me I have learned to not listen to people's negative comments. I believe that there is no person in the whole world who knows you better than yourself, so why should I bother listening to others belittling comments. Listening to the lies in life only makes you unhappy, so I use my own sense of self-esteem for contentment." Read the entire essay here>>

Hey U.G.L.Y. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping youth be part of solution to bullying. Its programs focus on self-esteem issues and building empathy. Visit the site for more information>>

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