Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Expert Advice on Parenting a Sensitive Boy

Parenting the Highly Sensitive Boy
by Rebecca Eanes, parenting advocate
"As I said, I began to realize my own son's sensitivity when he was a toddler. He would easily startle, hate surprises, not want to be in crowds (no big birthday parties, and please do not sing to him!), and was sensitive to noise. He had a slight aversion to scratchy material and tags and was (and is!) a picky eater. I didn't realize then that perhaps the textures of some foods bothered him." Read the entire article>>

The Highly Sensitive Boy: Does your son cry often?
by Maureen D. Healy, author of Growing Happy Kids: How to Foster Inner Confidence, Success and Happiness, via
"Does your boy cry often? Has he ever been bullied? Does he enjoy his time alone and quiet space? Is he deeply affected by violence? Or keenly perceptive to how you are feeling or thinking? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be raising a highly sensitive boy. Highly sensitive boys come with deep talents but can be "trying" if you seek to raise them in the regular way." Read the entire article>>

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