Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Writing Everyday: The Diary Habit

"It is necessary only that a life should be interesting to the person who lives that life. It you have a desire to keep a diary, it follows that your existence is interesting to you. Otherwise obviously you would not wish to make a record of it." - Arnold Bennett, author of Self and Self-Management: Essays on Existing (published in 1918) Read a longer excerpt here>>

30 Days to a Better Man Day 8: Start a Journal
"My grandpa, Bill Hurst, was a journal writer his entire life. His journal was quite simple. He just kept a small notebook in the pocket of his pearl snap shirts and jotted down a short description of the things he did and the people he did it with. This is something he did pretty much every day for his entire life. He also kept extensive diaries of his time as a forest ranger in the Wasatch Range.

About 12 years ago, my grandpa took all these diaries and daily journal entries and began to write his memoir for his children and grandchildren. The finished product was a 500 page behemoth filled with stories from my grandfather’s life." Read the entire article>>

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