Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Books that Teach Kids Compassion

Lately it has become clear that helping children be kind to each other is one of many effective anti-bullying technique. Looking for ways to talk about compassion and kindness with your child? Reading a good book together is often an easy and fun way to start the conversation with specific examples.

Chapter Books (ages 8-12)
Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
Melody, unable to speak or move any part of her body except for her thumb, is determined to make everyone understand that she is so much more than her physical challenges from cerebral palsy.

Arlene on the Scene by Carol Liu
Arlene is a feisty nine-year-old girl who doesn't let anything-- including the physical challenges of having CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease)--stop her from working towards her dreams.

Rules by Cynthia Lord
Twelve-year-old Catherine struggles with the challenges of having a special needs brother. She's sometimes embarrassed by his behavior and tries to protect him by helping him fit in using specific rules.

Picture Books (ages 3-8)
Horace and Morris but Mostly Delores by James Howe
These three best friends decide to create their own inclusive clubhouse for both boys and girls after discovering that separate clubhouses are no fun for any of them. An excellent book about inclusion.

Yoko by Rosemary Wells
Despite the teacher's attempt to introduce the students to flavors from around the world, everyone makes fun of Yoko's sushi lunch and no one will try it. A great book about not judging something you don't understand.

Arnie and the New Kid by Nancy Carlson
Philip, the new kid, is in a wheelchair and, for some reason, Arnie cannot resist teasing him. Then Arnie falls and decides that being in a wheelchair would be much better than having to walk on crutches.

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